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Sitejabber success stories

Let us know how you or others have benefited through using Sitejabber

Helpful  (46)
  • over 1 year ago

I can't remember a specific instance, but there have been moments where I've wanted to buy something from a website and a sitejabber review saved me from potentially losing my money or helped me find a better place to purchase from.

Helpful  (34)

I agree. It's best to do research before you end up in a situation you can't handle.

Helpful  (20)
  • over 1 year ago

There was a website which had a reputation for poor customer care... Reviewers mentioned this - very helpful!

Helpful  (17)

Personally, I think its good to be able to praise businesses that do it right and warn others about the ones that don't. I think as consumers only a very small fraction of people will even comment on a business one way or another. However isn't it great to be able to see other points of views and be able to plan that special night out for your special someone or get a decent deal on a car or other service? I think this site benefits everyone that visits it, in one way or another.

Helpful  (31)

I also leave reviews on both good and bad. I also look at reviews before I order or buy now. I automatically Google reviews and jabbersite.

Helpful  (13)

Do the same thing with you. When doing online shopping, I do not know what else can I do except checking reviews.

Helpful  (7)
  • over 1 year ago

Hi, Mark. I do agree with you - it would be great if more people commented on businesses. I'd particularly like to see more people sharing positive experiences (though we tend to take them for granted).

Helpful  (12)

I actually have managed to receive a response from some of the sites I've reviewed on-site jabber; particularly ones that I have experienced issues with. Therefore, I do feel Sitejabber has very much served its purpose as an online review website.

Helpful  (11)

I totally agree! Good businesses need some love and even I find myself warning people too often and not praising the good experiences.

Helpful  (5)

I hate to admit this but I have emailed companies that screwed me over with me sitejabber review. Just to show them they cannot get away with it!

Helpful  (6)

That's a great way to let them know they are accountable. Have you received any responses?

Helpful  (7)

I know it was my posting on Sitejabber about that got them to refund my money after 6 months. Liquidation published on SJ that they would look into it. After 3 weeks I posted that I had not heard from Liquidations. Next day they posted that they decided to refund my money. Of course, I did not believe them until I called the CC company and verified it.

Helpful  (10)
  • over 1 year ago

YES -- I recently did some online searching for prom dresses for my daughter -- she is really tall and not a size 0-2 which is what you find in stores. Though not advertised very well, a search of several prom dress suppliers here on Sitejabber let us know which sites will NOT let you return a dress! Crazy!

Helpful  (4)

Some of these sites are located in China, sending an item back may cost more than the item price :(

Helpful  (4)
  • over 1 year ago

I do a large percentage of my shopping online. When I buy products or services, I ALWAYS READ THE REVIEWS. Learning whether a product or a site is good or not, based on what people who bought or used the product or service, saves money, time, stress and frustration.
The Sitejabber founder and staff are EXCELLENT. They are real people who respond back when you need them to. Last year I noticed that customers were mistaking one site of Joe Cannon's, who gives totally unbiased, scientifically-based reviews of vitamins and supplements, for another website that sold vitamins and supplements. So customers were mistakenly giving Joe Cannon VERY LOW GRADES (per se) for his site, when in actuality, HIS SITE never sells any vitamins or supplements. He just reviews them. (I hope this makes sense.) Anyway, I wrote to Sitejabber about this mistake, and in a day, SJ cleared up the misunderstanding! I was so happy that Joe Cannon's good reputation was restored! By the way, for those who read Joe's reviews, his website is now "".
I LOVE Sitejabber and I appreciate everyone who reviews businesses websites because it really DOES help me in deciding whether or not to buy from a site.

Helpful  (8)

I have a successful problem solved and I truly belive this site helped in the closure.
We owned some rental properties and one was vacant due to a burglary when my daughter was in Lake Tahoe for a weekend. They broke doors, windows, and stole everything including appliances, clothes, plumbing, ceiling fans, and even clothes. She would not go back and I didn't feel like repairs for over a year.
To add to this event, Waste Management decided to continue weekly service even though the tote was returned and no service was used.
We sold this property in June 2017 and I had called to correct bill. They refused to correct it and it did not matter that it was vacant almost 24 months and sold 10 months.
They threatened collections and add to property taxes. At this point I tried again to talk to corporate office. While they understood my problem, they were not going to take the bill away.
I finally told them that I had put a review in this site and I would do another one, and maybe they should visit the site and see how many consumers read the reviews. We do have another waste Co called Recology in our area.
There is a policy in our area if you have water and electric on you are required to have waste service. I have had problem in past and thereally is an exception if you are just doing repairs and cleaning to rent or sell.
The next town about 4 miles away has NO exceptions, even in a case of home burned to the ground, they charged waste, water and sewage. This is wrong! How can they get away with this? The people in this town do not seem to think they can make the town change this policy. We do have a voice and we can make changes!
Good news! I received email a couple days later stating even though I owed the money, they were going to take it away. I ask for a letter stating the action and received that a couple days ago!

Helpful  (9)

It's great when the consumer gets justice!

Helpful  (7)
  • over 1 year ago

Glad things worked out - also it's good you got it in writing!

Helpful  (1)
  • over 1 year ago

Hello dear were are you from

Helpful  (3)

Hello dear hop you are good

Helpful  (3)

Amazing. I had a complaint against a clock seller. I had bought a clock years ago and it's my favorite travel clock and I wanted my nephew to have one too. He's just been accepted to Stanford. I found one on the internet, but when I received it, it looked like mine but was much harder to work with. Oddly enough, the instructions that came with this new one were for my old clock as it referred to buttons that were non-existent on the new one!

After filling out a rather long form and sending the company several emails asking for a refund, I placed a negative review in sitejabber and presto, they contacted me and promised me a full refund if I would take down my review! They put the refund through and I took down my negative review. They didn't even ask I return their clock.

Helpful  (8)

Wow! Just curious, what was the brand of the clock?

Helpful  (3)
  • over 1 year ago

Power to the People!

Helpful  (1)
  • over 1 year ago

That clock was almost certainly a cheap fake. It's good you got your money back but clear they wanted the review gone to continue the scam.

Helpful  (2)
  • over 1 year ago

Hello were are you from

Helpful  (3)

I have not benefited from SiteJabber at all. I never have and never will. I travel and report to the people what I find and what I like and what I don't like, nothing more, nothing less. I feel the people have a right to know the good from the bad. Again, it is only my opinion and I get nothing out of it from ANYONE. I feel it a privilege to be able to do this and nothing else. I have had some try to change my mind about something by offering snacks or perks, but, to me that is a no no. I do not do that at anytime.

Helpful  (6)

Hi Roseann,
I just finished reading your review of Joe Cannon. While I hope you are correct about the reliability of this site, I do have to wonder how he paid for the cost of creating and pays for maintenance including the periodic use of a webmaster@$100/hr. He also collects a salary that since he is self-employed must include Medicare, Social Security, health insurance, liability insurance and retirement Assuming he's a one-man-band his pay/cost can't be much less than $9-10k a month. I don't think that sales of his self-published books would cover it. So who pays him and for what are they paying him?

Frankly, the only site I trust for fair and accurate reviews and comparisons is good 'ol "Consumer Reports". It has never had advertising and is paid for through magazine subscriptions and donations. They also sponsor consumer protection legislation and subscribers may, if they wish, vote on the candidates for its board of directors. To put it simply and succinctly, sites such as Joe Cannon do not provide information just to be of service and out of the goodness of their heart. Everyone has bills to pay. Caveat Emptor.

Helpful  (4)

Hi Daniel B, I just saw your comment today. I had 2 surgeries shortly after your comment, so I was somewhat occupied. Joe Cannon does have advertising that I assume pays for his costs of his site. So does everyone else. We pay for Consumer Labs- I also pay and love Consumer Labs information. Joe Cannon on looks at research studies from NIH and other public sites that were done on ingredients in the supplements he reviews. He comments on those studies-are they human studies done properly with large groups of people, using proper research protocols? Or are the only studies in vitro or done on mice or rats, etc. He actually leaves it up to those of us who read his website to determine whether we want to buy a certain supplement or not. He DOES NOT SELL SUPPLEMENTS. He is also a personal trainer and trains personal trainers. You need to look at his websites before judging him. As an RN, BSN, I worked on cancer research protocols with my hospital and the University of Wisconsin-Madison, then later as an Infection Prevention/Control RN who did my own studies and research. I find Joe Cannon’s reviews very unbiased. But you need to read some of his reviews and judge for yourself. Give his sites a fair review first before judging. I love and archive Consumer Labs, and I buy according to their recommendations. But Joe Cannon’s sites are also useful for me in providing me with the results of research, so I don’t have to look up all the research results myself.
Thank you for your comments.

Helpful  (2)
  • over 1 year ago

Unfortunately I did not know the site, I just got to know now, after being tricked by DHgate.
If I had known this site before, I would have gotten rid of this!
But now that I know, I'll be smarter!

Helpful  (5)

Concerning praise for Joe Cannon aka
While I too would like to think that there are sites such as these, the probability is low. Reviews are opinions and as such are inherently biased, it's human nature. The scientific studies you refer to are most likely not scientific. Why, because they are very expensive. They require fairly large, carefully selected( age, race, gender etc) populations and are double-blind. I. e. Two groups, neither of which know
If they are the group that is taking a placebo. They take place over time and generate quantitative rather than anecdotal results. The results are published in reputable scientific journals and the study/testing must also be repeatable. Scientists only do studies that are about significant issues that will improve their reputations thus garnering more grants for more research. Unfortunately, nutritional supplements do not fall into the significant category. And, who is going to repeat the study? This is not tot to say that some people believe they have benefitted from a particular supplement or vitamin it just means that these are opinions not measurable proof. Lastly, if the site you describe sells nothing, how do they earn enough money to maintain their site and pay them a salary? Remember even good 'ol Doctor Oz has been caught fibbing!

Helpful  (3)

I'm not a fan of Dr. Oz. Something very fake about him.

Helpful  (6)
  • over 1 year ago

I also have seen Dr Oz shows with reviews about alot of easy cheap fix. I distrust them totally. I have even tried a couple without results. It just seems lime if you have someone one on almost daily with a "new quick fix in your medicine cabinet" or "best weightloss 30 lbs overnight" you should beware. I know people want to believe the products but it just is not realistic.
I have never seen him honestly say he did any research and verified any product.
I watched him before congress when he said he believed everything he had on his show. I felt he was very dishonest with his answers.
There is another show that i have currently watched called "the doctors" that i take with a grain of salt. Especially since the older dr. Has started doing advertisments about a bra that sells at cheaper stores. He compares the bras to breast reductions he has done. I bought sime of the bras before they were in local stores and threw them away, also my daughter had breast surgery reduction and i can say that i dont t think its a realistic commercial.
I do not think they do their audience any justice by these shows. I think my integrity would be worth more.

Helpful  (2)
  • over 1 year ago

PayPal... Jason W mentioned PayPal offers dispute resolutions for companies that refuse to refund/ or offer exchanges.
PayPal was able to get a refund for me in three days.

Also FashionMia. I wish I knew about this site before ordering anything from them.

Thank you SiteJabber!

Helpful  (3)

That's great news,Rita R.

Helpful  (1)

Just curious. What's to stop a disgruntled employee from trashing a former employer? In other words is there any way of validating that what is said is accurate? For instance, if I write a review of a business or internet site are they notified so that they may respond?

Please. Don't misunderstand me. I think this is a great idea, but shouldn't it have safeguards against maliciousness? For instance, I wrote a review of Nextdoor dot com. Did you bring my review to their attention? They have not reached out to me in any way. Not sure of the mechanisms here. I think I wrote a fair review, however I think they would have at least acknowledged it.

I wonder if it is OK to approach those asking for a review on your site, to offer a review in exchange for pay. As long as it is stated up front that the review is paid for, using a dollar symbol so people know the reviewer got paid for what they said. Or do a private review for their company eyes only so they may deal with issues on their website, and the writer gets paid? This goes to what you ask after I review something. You ask me to help by reviewing other companies. If I have no reason to use a company why would I review it?

A paid feature for shut ins like me would be nice. You could test their honesty by bogus sites with mistakes. I mean who wants a review that the person never used the site or business?

Helpful  (2)

A good question. I have a feeling that paid reviews could lead to biased reviews.

Helpful  (3)
  • over 1 year ago

Dear Paul F and others,
Amazon used to post reviews by people who got big discounts or even fully paid products just for "their fair and honest reviews". Well, I know that if you get something for free or almost free, you are already biased to give a better review than you would've given if you paid for it yourself. I would never read those reviews, and finally Amazon stopped posting them. I would speak out against those reviews. A person contacted me to try their product for a fair review. Because of my ethics, I said no. I see that even Sitejabber years ago had probably friends or relatives of people who wrote a review give them a lot of "likes" or "helpfuls". You could easily tell because a mediocre review would be followed by numerous "likes" all on the same day or couple of days. I ignored them, too. I don't see those kinds of things happening anymore on Sitejabber. You have to use logic on reading some reviews. If one person gets many "likes"/"helpfuls" all on one day, be suspicious. If someone got a free product or discount for their review, ignore it. Sitejabber has improved immensely in the past years, and that's because the founder asked for input from reviewers, and he still does. He values those of us who contribute. As for companies responding, it is made clear that Sitejabber DOES want companies to give input. As Sitejabber becomes ever more prominent of a review site, companies WILL respond. For now, Paul, look up contact information of the company you have an issue with, and write to them yourself. And let them know you have a review on Sitejabber. Then more companies will be aware of Sitejabber and will look at what we all say about them. Thank you for reading.

Helpful  (4)
  • over 1 year ago

I think sitejabber allows companies to respond - so they can always reply officially to any complaint and provide evidence.

Helpful  (2)
  • over 1 year ago

Searching on sites like this we can find reliable stores internationally.

Helpful  (3)

I have been conned and ripped off for 100 bucks by Janet and want a refunds she promised and that just wont happen because i paid with pay pal and have receipt and and she say my email don't exist so for sure rip off

Helpful  (3)

Please do contact PayPal and request a refund!

Helpful  (3)
  • over 1 year ago

Who is Janet?

Helpful  (3)
  • over 1 year ago

PayPal already knew of the complaints and issues with Marksinfo and confirmed it with me.

Here's the kicker, the refunded only a portion of what i paid.

Helpful  (4)

I use Sitejabber to see if people have reviewed certain companies, especially clothes’s companies from Asia. I bought from some Chinese company years ago BEFORE finding Sitejabber, and the clothes were disgusting-too small, cheap, ugly, didn’t fit, etc. That’s actually how I found Sitejabber years ago. All the reviews were negative, so if I’d have known of Sitejabber before I purchased these items, I never would’ve purchased them. That’s what I hope to do for others through Sitejabber-give an honest review of companies I purchase from, so that other people can learn from my experiences.

Helpful  (3)

Before online shopping, I always read the reviews at sitejabber about the vender. I will pay more attention to the negative reviews. I will notice what aspects are not good and what the vender to deal with the negative reviews. Also, i will leave my reviews here for others to refer to.

Helpful  (6)

I have been seejng alot of new sites popping up on facebook with great products. I was interested in a couple of items but took a few seconds to look at reviews and was glad that i did. Truth is, if it looks to good ti be, it probably is. I then blocked the site and stopped them from popping on again.
It is a hasdle and usually not alot if money, but its it isnt a great product then even $10.00 is to much and you will probably end up on another site that is like them.

Helpful  (2)
  • over 1 year ago

The internet always blows me away...

I will get told about something that is good at a site and take the word of the person without doing any homework sometimes and it always seems to be a regretful situation.
I never knew about Sitejabber until now and it would have saved me allot of time, and some money... but I am so happy about finding this site...
Let me ask you...
Can you suggest the best site or sites to offer quality items for sale!
I have high end personal items and collectibles but do not want to go the Ebay route or Craig's List, as there is too much wasted time and traffic that I don't need.
I would really appreciate it my friends!

Helpful  (2)

I recently interacted with a company by a Dr. Gerhauser, Alliance for Advanced Health, whose newsletters, which I paid $37 annually for turned out to be constant ads for his very expensive and (for me) worthless products. I think he and people like him, who do NOT make it CLEAR AND UPFRONT that autoshipping is involved are abhorrent.
I hate autoshipping. I always carefully read whatever info comes with what I buy, and I did not see that this "Adithin x3" product of his would be autoshipped at a price of $72/month. I'm retired and on a fixed income.
Why I'm writing this to say why Sitejabber helped me is that I love warning other people how NOT TO BE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF BY PEOPLE AND COMPANIES LIKE THESE".
If you ever see some of these sites, you notice the techniques they use to confuse and fool you, like making you go through numerous other products and press "No Thanks" before you get to check out. I don't think I'm a stupid or naive person, but I am getting older. These companies prey on older people who want to feel good again.
But instead, they line their own pockets and leave our wallets very thin.
Buyer Beware.

Helpful  (4)

I just started to explore the site, and I realized that with the help of the search you can find anything.

Helpful  (2)

By writing a review about scribd on sitejabber, Jerry from scribd emailed me and I was able to get my money refunded. This is after emailing scribd support and receiving no reply. So Thank you very much, not only that, I have also found invaluable information on your site, so thanks again!

Helpful  (2)

I have been using and reviewing sites on many places included sitejabber. Nowadays, online purchases are taking a huge part of people business, reviews can be helpful while trying to find if a business is safe or not, however as it does lead to decision for small sites, I d like to say that reviews for well known sites are just own point of views as experiences can be very different from a customer to another and we all know that it's easier to post negative stuff thatn positive.

Helpful  (4)

I agree with you. Different person may have different shopping experience even in the same site.

Helpful  (2)
  • over 1 year ago

Sometimes you need to listen to other people when you decide to buy things or not, and that is what reviews do.

Helpful  (4)

I have been writing on Sitejabber for sometime trying to inform the readers where to go and where not to go. Even when I want to go to the internet and purchase something I will first come to Sitejabber and check and see if there is something about the company, good or bad, i do listen to the reviews that people write about. You learn quickly who to stay away from and there are plenty, even I bump into a few. I not only write on the site but I read what others have to say. Just keep this website going, this is the only website that i go to for my reviews.

Helpful  (5)

I can't remember a specific instance, but there have been moments where I've wanted to buy something from a website and a sitejabber review saved me from potentially losing my money or helped me find a better place to purchase from.

Helpful  (2)

I was wondering on sitejabber. Do the reviews on the company good/bad, get removed at any certain time or limitations how long after the post? I seen one company that had 3 bad reviews, not there any more, just a recent one and only one review with that company.

Helpful  (0)

Hey Mark! Reviews are occasionally filtered and can be reported for violating our content policy. Reviewers can also remove their reviews at any time. Reasons reviews might be filtered include: suspected solicited reviews in violation of our terms of service, suspected site-promotion spam (positive reviews), suspected competitor spam (negative reviews), language use, irrelevant content, and other terms of service violations. If you have any other questions our support team would be happy to help. You can reach us directly at

Helpful  (2)
  • over 1 year ago

Glad things worked out for you in the end. Please do leave a review for them.

Helpful  (8)