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Tim T.

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1 Review by Tim

  • Worldtradecenter


My personal advice to anyone thinking about investing with this World Trade Center. Almost persuaded by consultant to pay cash into new account, as first step to purchase YuangPay Group crypto coin. Not experienced at being scammed, so please use my observations or don't. (Too many leeches of society making a living by scamming innocent investors, they should be outlawed using common social media to ply their trade. Just saying...) The following observations may save a few people getting burnt. First cue of possible scam, emphasis on minimum AUD$350 transfer IMMEDIATELY, a bit strange. The account was opened on the spot without background checks on my credibility, also unconventional. I have doubts that a Chinese crypto platform would exclusively use a Cyprus-based institute for transactions. Another cue, the profile pic of EVERY positive review looks picture perfect, unlikely that so many positive investors look like actors from Hollywood, maybe just my imagination, yet EVERY realistic review that defines World Trade Center based on their personal bad experience has a generic or ambiguous profile pic. Few people post such formalised profiles of themselves. Possibly paid for their reviews? Last cue, subject to correction, their offices are in Cyprus, part of the Commmonwealth since 1960. Center is the correct spelling in American English, while in British English centre is correct. Oops, they may have misspelt their own company name! Go figure...

Tip for consumers:
Do your homework thoroughly and ask many questions before parting with any money or personal info.

Products used:
set up account

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Tim T.'s review of Worldtradecenter earned 5 Very Helpful votes

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